Misophonia@School – 2nd Development Workshop – (Session 4)
The 2nd development workshop (session 4) of the Project Misophonia@school was held via google meet on December 16th (2021). The meeting was attended by representatives from each partner:
- IDONEUS S.r.l. (Italy);
- Istituto Comprensivo Giovanni XXIII (Italy);
- Edizioni di Atlantide (Italy);
- İstanbul Aydın University (Turkey);
- INTEGRA Institut (Slovenia);
- WIN Wissenschaftsinitiative Niederösterreich (Austria);
- CSI Center for Social Innovation LTD (Cyprus);
- IES Mayorazgo (Spain);
- Heyrnarhjálp – National Association for the Hard of Hearing (Iceland);
- Szkola Podstawowa Im. Ignacego Ulatowskiego W Gorzycach Wielkich (Poland).
During this meetiting Idoneus staff presented IO2 E-Learning Course, deepening the structure of the modules.