Misophonia@School – 4th Development Workshop Session 2 online
The 4th Development Workshop was planned in Turkey in February 2023. Due to the earthquake that happened in that period in Turkey and Syria, it has been replaced with two online sessions. The second session has been held by Google Meet on the 17th of April 2023.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the project partnership:
- IDONEUS S.r.l. (Italy);
- Edizioni di Atlantide (Italy);
- İstanbul Aydın University (Turkey);
- WIN Wissenschaftsinitiative Niederösterreich (Austria);
- CSI Center for Social Innovation LTD (Cyprus – online);
- IES Mayorazgo (Spain);
- Heyrnarhjálp – National Association for the Hard of Hearing (Iceland);
- Szkola Podstawowa Im. Ignacego Ulatowskiego W Gorzycach Wielkich (Poland).
During this meeting, the finalisation phase of all Intellectual Outputs has been checked: Mobile Application (already translated), eLearning course (already translated), Web Resource Centre (translations in 9 languages), and Handbook (editing in 9 languages). The dissemination of project results has been carefully taken in consideration, and all multiplier events have been planned.
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