Author: Maria Marino


Misophonia@School – Second Development Workshop (Session 1)

On September the 21st (2021), Project Misophonia@School held a new online meeting between the partners, with the aim of discussing the content of the E-Learning Course. It will contain videos and slides and will be structured on...


Misophonia@School – First Development Workshop (Session 2)

On June the 22nd (2021), Project Misophonia@School held a new online meeting between the partners, with the aim of discussing the content of the Mobile Application, which the first technical prototype is being implemented by...


Misophonia@School – Kick-Off Meeting

On November 27th (2020), Project Misophonia@school began its activities right into the heart of the matter, with a Kick-Off Meeting held online. The meeting was attended by representatives from each partner: IDONEUS S.r.l. (Italy); Istituto Comprensivo Giovanni...